Thursday, December 20, 2012


The embalming in ancient Egypt

Secret of the mysteries of the pharaohs, which rights will remain eager to know for a long time

Although many studies have been conducted on this science

No one has been able in modern times to reach precisely to learn the secret of embalming

What we do know about is some of the studies conducted on the mummies

In addition to what has been written in the ancient papyri and what he said Herodotus

And we will explain in this exclusive topic on this blog

All findings of modern science to uncover the secrets of embalming

Which will remain secret forever, like building the pyramids and the sun passes over the face of Ramses

And many other things we will talk about later

 Body processor through embalming realizes mummy

. It is the oldest conservative expressions on the body when the ancient Egyptians are ((Ot or wte)) that appeared
Since the beginnings of ancient Egyptian writings
Or mummy, where it is of Persian origin means black color has been observed in the century ((5 BC.)).

That turned objects stuffed by into black so fired on the mummified body metaphorically

Name mummy to undergo Minsoad like mineral bitumen ((asphalt)), a color known to Article

Described by ((Dsagurides)) and stated that it was called a mummy, and go ((individual Lucas)) that this phrase
Perhaps Persian.

The ancient Egyptians first believed in the immortality of the soul and believe that the soul does not die and they thought that the human

A several stages begins by birth and old age and aging Death and Birth again.

The ancient Egyptians drew this doctrine of natural that surround them: -

 Like the sun when it shines, they believe that at the time her birthday so they built their homes to the east and when the sun sets
It death, so they built their tombs on the west and thus refers to the underworld. 

Embalming through the ages

 Pre-dynastic periods

The Egyptians believed that the soul left the body at death will

 seconds and worked to preserve the ancient bodies of their dead only in natural ways and did not resort

To industrial methods. For this they are satisfied to bury the dead in a hole in the ground desert sand,

So be wrapped in several folds of linen or skin of different animals or some twigs

Jerid skim of palms. The intense heat stored in the sands of the desert capable of draining the skin

The internal organs and helped to save the body of corruption and decomposition as it is displayed

In the bodies discovered and contemporary for the period between 8000 - 5000 BC.. And remained this way

Natural mortuary without change to the beginning of the Dynastic where they decorate

Corpses wristbands colored and wrapped in several successive folds of woven linen as consistent throughout the first Dynasty.


Archaic era

 During the second Dynasty has taken a step forward when they put the body in a wooden box after packaging

the Old Kingdom

(2900-2600 BC.), We find that the ancient Egyptians have made

(During the Third Dynasty) made ​​significant progress in the art of embalming and that's when they encapsulates the body in several

Folds of linen cloth so that the first pre-roll soaked in molten resin then pressed strongly

Body so take the same shape and left to be made ​​up so solid layer around him

And after unloading the internal organs and stuffed linen soaked in molten resin. Rinsing aromatic

Special except back where painted another paint aromatic, while internal organs are placed in

Four private funerary containers filled with a solution of salt, but intracranial

They were fills with various types of medicines and aromatic herbs.

As they were before emptying the bowels of the body are fully cum in salt

For forty days increase to seventy days often.

Also began to emerge during this period, the first artistic attempts to color

Face various kinds of dyes.

In the era of the modern empire 

 embalming has evolved a great development, we find in the Eighteenth Dynasty.

It has spread way discharge head skull as an integral part of the embalming process, as mentioned by Herodotus

And then filling them with strips of linen body already dipped in molten resin

Through nostrils or through a hole in the back

Neck so that the Supreme paragraph tend very precisely which indicates that the ancient Egyptians

They were on a high degree of progress in surgery, also increased their use of large amounts

Of resin for the purpose of maintaining good for the body of the deceased when it dries.

 Tools embalming

 Include surgical Machines used by the ancient Egyptians for medical purposes

Generally, including operations anatomic Embalming.

chisel they were puncturing greatness cribrosa nose

 Scalpel: used to perform the lateral abdominal wall hole to extract the guts

Scissors and needles, tweezers, razor: - used to cut the veil profile to extract the lungs

The separation of the stomach and intestines, liver, spleen and bladder from each other

And a knitting needle used to sew abdominal incision.


Brush: vacuum to clean the abdomen after extracting the viscera, which was also used for the treatment of

Guts, as well as to treat the surface of the molten resin body.


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