Monday, October 7, 2013

Egypt inventions , Ancient Egyptians inventions

Ancient Egypt Ideas and Inventions
While ancient Egypt is usually associated with pharaohs, mummies and pyramids, many ancient Egyptian inventions are used in our daily lives. It would be quite difficult to conveniently and comfortably manage our daily affairs, without most of these early Egyptian inventions


The history of the Egyptian nation spans thousands of years. Even before they are finally decided by one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world, the Romans, the Egyptians were practical enough to make their own contributions to their part of the globe. Some of the inventions of ancient Egypt are well known while other ancient Egyptian inventions are hardly known at all, or at least, often attributed to other peoples.List of inventions in Ancient Egypt

water clock
Black Ink Cartridge
First of ox-drawn plows
365-day calendar and Leap Year
First triangular shaped pyramids
The labor movement
Hieroglyphs as a system at the beginning of writing
This list is incredible, I know, but it must come to an end. The last object of every day behind ancient Egypt ranked here is the water clock. Never heard of it? Now that you have. And guess what? Water clocks are still used to date!
They are more commonly used for decoration and for others to admire these works of art. However, the prior invention, the clock itself, is of course always used to tell time. Curiously, it was difficult to find a picture of an ancient Egyptian water clock, so we have to do with this picture is a water clock in ancient Athens, Greece. In this particular photo, the water flows into a separate bowl, allowing people to themselves.All time overall, the Egyptians were a group of intelligent people. If the ancient civilization were still alive today, they would be shocked at how many of their inventions have gone and how they became modernized.

One of the inventions before Christ in Egypt was surprisingly black ink. The Egyptian people were very talented at creating not only the black ink, but many types of colored ink and dye. The process and depth of color used in the Egyptian invention of ink and dye was so marvelous that these brilliant color shades can still be seen today, thousands of years later.

So we do not think quite the same aspects as the technology we have today, the first ox pulls plows that appeared in Egypt from 2500 BC were, however, technological inventions ancient Egypt. Metalworking qualified would have been necessary to form a workable plow, as well as livestock. One may wonder why the ancient Egyptians would have even needed ox plows when the majority of the Egyptian nation consists of deserts. While there is certainly a large amount of desert land in Egypt scanning, the nation is also the home of extremely fertile black soil on the banks of the River Nile. This soil provides a very welcoming environment for crops like wheat, in addition to a multitude of vegetables. Ancient Egyptian inventions, such as ox-drawn plow, would have made farming much easier and more profitable.

The ancient Egyptians also have the distinct honor of having invented not only the modern calendar of 365 days, but the system of leap years as well. Ancient civilizations recorded and marked time using a lunar calendar system. A solar system established calendar, based on twelve months of 30 days each, with five additional days, was first conceived by the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians also developed the calendar leap year added an extra day every four years in the year 238 BC


The paper was made from the papyrus plant
One of the many ancient Egyptian inventions was an early system of writing, now recognized around the world, known as hieroglyphics. Not only the ancient Egyptians invented a writing system, but they also invented the paper on which to place it. Made from fibers of the papyrus plant, Egyptian paper was the first of its kind.

Although there remains speculation about how the ancient pyramids were built, it is clear that the Egyptians were the first to invent and employ organized labor on a large scale to build these magnificent stone structures. When taking into consideration the fact that the construction of one pyramid often lasted several decades, the amount of work required becomes enormous organized. The first really shaped triangular pyramids are counted among the many ancient Egyptian inventions, but it took several tries to achieve an idea model.

Sailing the Nile

Sails, an Egyptian invention

Egyptian inventions also include sails. Living in such proximity to the river Nile, it was imperative for the Egyptians to develop effective methods of water transportation.
Ancient Egypt inventions in some cases, revolutionized the way the world lived and in other cases they were simply the precursor technologies we enjoy today. In all cases, however, the ancient Egyptian inventions were truly a marvel of ancient ingenuity.

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