Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Egyptian mathematics

God Tut Thoth image carved on the wall of the Ramesseum. The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Tut (Thoth) is the one who taught them the account and write.

Devised by the ancient Egyptians system of numbers to help them on their daily, as well as the tax system requires a system of numbers and for the account, where farmers were given part of the annual crops of the Royal Palace and other parts of the temple and priests. And do not forget trade traded between the Pharaohs of Egypt with the surrounding country. Of those transactions, which began since the era of the first Dynasty with Palestine, Syria and Lebanon for timber, as well as with Iraq and Nubia. And extended during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut but also accepted to the country's commercial campaigns bant at the Horn of Africa on the Red Sea. And were often barter to pay for the gold Egyptians were digging him in Nubia and in the Sinai.

Was learning numeracy practiced in temples.The profession by profession prestigious, and had grades begin Portrait Simple (cheese) to the President of clerks and was called Prince of clerks (Prince - cheese), and above the mattress writer to writer royal court (cheese - Nsat) and was the highest ranking are arranged Prince clerks royal court(Prince - cheese - Nsat). The prince royal court clerks at the same time as an engineer or a doctor, or both, and the parents encourage their children to education and professionalism by profession, as the writer does not undertake the cumbersome manual or physical performed by workers. But a writer even simple task of them, for example, record crop when farmers harvest crops, and record the number of cattle and sheep, livestock and birds, and calculate the percentage allocated to the Palace on the basis of the Nile water level in that year.

1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

The ancient Egyptians used to measure the balance cereals and pulses, this standard was called (hekat).And the hekat was divided to the following sizes: 1 \ 2, 1 \ 4, 1 \ 8, 1 \ 16, 1 \ 32, 1 \ 64.They used the writings symbols taken from parts of the code the Eye of Horus, which was sacred to them, and they generally use the Eye of Horus for decoration in the form of necklaces, but more importantly in an arrow necklaces in the form of the Eye of Horus called (Ougat), which is for the prevention of envy and harmful organisms,and evil spirits.
addition and subtraction
The number system when the ancient Egyptians decimal system, but they did not know zero.Was No. 10 a special symbol, as well as the case for the 100, and 1000, and so on. But their system was easy addition and subtraction, and devised ways to multiplication and division calculations.
Multiplication and division
Ancient Egyptians devised a way to make the calculation that we know the multiplication process and in a way that the use of a combination, and the basic rule was followed in numerical multiplier. We knew that the ways in which they use them in the account by what we found their tracks in the form of manuscripts such as Papyrus de Moscou and manuscript Papyrus Rhind.
The division also depends on doubling numbers respectively described above with beatings, but with some differences 

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