The Pharaohs knew a lot of the gods and of them ..
Amun (Amun-Re): god of
thebes, associated with the goose and ram, later associated with re and
Atum; Amun-re, mut, and their son Khonsu were worshipped as a trio
Anubis: Jackal-headed god, patron of embalmers, protector of tombs
Aten: the disk of the sun, worshipped as the one true god by Akhenaten
Atum: Sun god of Heliopolis, later associated with re
Bastet: cat-headed goddess, protector of women, home, and children, guardian of the nile Delta, goddess of fertility, warmth, pleasure, the moon, and beer
Bes: fierce, lion-headed dwarf god, protector of children and women in childbirth
Edjo (Wadjet): cobra goddess, patron of Lower Egypt, protector of the king
Geb: Earth god
Hapi: god of the inundation
Hathor: Wise, gentle, cow-headed goddess, protector of heaven, earth, and the under- world, beloved by wives and mothers, wife of Horus, goddess of music and dance; the sistrum was her symbol; she is often shown wearing a horned sun-disk headpiece
Heket: frog goddess, patron of fertility, pro- tector of women in childbirth
Horus: falcon-headed sky god, son of Isis and osiris, protector of the king
Isis: fertility goddess, mother of Horus, divine mourner, one of the four protectors of canopic jars
Khepri: creator god, shown as a scarab beetle within the sun disk
Khnum: ram-headed god; he created the earth and the first man on his potter’s wheel
Khonsu: Warrior god, son of Amun-re and mut
Ma’at: goddess of balance, order, and justice who judged souls after death; her symbol was an ostrich feather
Min: fat, jolly, popular fertility god
Montu: falcon-headed war god of the king
Mut: Wife of Amun-re
Neith: Hunting goddess of Sais, one of the four protectors of canopic jars; her symbol was two feathered arrows
Nehkbet: Vulture goddess of Upper Egypt, protector of the king
Nephthys: Sister of Isis, osiris, and Seth, divine mourner, one of four protectors of canopic jars
Nun: god of chaos who existed before the creation of the world
Nut: Sky goddess, wife of earth god geb; her arched body forms the sky
Osiris: god of the underworld, the dead, the land’s fertility, and the inundation, he offered eternal life to all; depicted as a mummified king
Ptah: creator god of memphis, patron of arti- sans and craftsmen
Re: Sun god of Heliopolis, later merged with Atum and Amun
Sekhmet: fierce lion-headed goddess, she destroyed Egypt’s enemies
Sebek: crocodile god, associated with Seth
Selkit: Scorpion goddess, one of the four pro- tectors of canopic jars
Seshat: goddess of writing, the divine librar- ian, wife of thoth
Seth: god of disorder, storms, violence, and mischief, brother and murderer of osiris
Shu: Air god, paired with tefnut; he was usu- ally shown between geb (earth) and nut (sky)
Sopdu: Bearded guardian god of Egypt’s east- ern borders
Taweret: pregnant hippopotamus, protector of fertility and women in childbirth
Tefnut: moisture goddess, paired with Shu
Thoth: Ibis-headed god, husband of Seshat, vizier and scribe of the gods, inventor of writing, mathematics, languages, account- ing, magic, law, and board games; he con- trolled the moon, stars, and seasons
Upuaut: Jackal god, avenger of osiris, protec- tor of the dead, opener of the ways into the underworld
Anubis: Jackal-headed god, patron of embalmers, protector of tombs
Aten: the disk of the sun, worshipped as the one true god by Akhenaten
Atum: Sun god of Heliopolis, later associated with re
Bastet: cat-headed goddess, protector of women, home, and children, guardian of the nile Delta, goddess of fertility, warmth, pleasure, the moon, and beer
Bes: fierce, lion-headed dwarf god, protector of children and women in childbirth
Edjo (Wadjet): cobra goddess, patron of Lower Egypt, protector of the king
Geb: Earth god
Hapi: god of the inundation
Hathor: Wise, gentle, cow-headed goddess, protector of heaven, earth, and the under- world, beloved by wives and mothers, wife of Horus, goddess of music and dance; the sistrum was her symbol; she is often shown wearing a horned sun-disk headpiece
Heket: frog goddess, patron of fertility, pro- tector of women in childbirth
Horus: falcon-headed sky god, son of Isis and osiris, protector of the king
Isis: fertility goddess, mother of Horus, divine mourner, one of the four protectors of canopic jars
Khepri: creator god, shown as a scarab beetle within the sun disk
Khnum: ram-headed god; he created the earth and the first man on his potter’s wheel
Khonsu: Warrior god, son of Amun-re and mut
Ma’at: goddess of balance, order, and justice who judged souls after death; her symbol was an ostrich feather
Min: fat, jolly, popular fertility god
Montu: falcon-headed war god of the king
Mut: Wife of Amun-re
Neith: Hunting goddess of Sais, one of the four protectors of canopic jars; her symbol was two feathered arrows
Nehkbet: Vulture goddess of Upper Egypt, protector of the king
Nephthys: Sister of Isis, osiris, and Seth, divine mourner, one of four protectors of canopic jars
Nun: god of chaos who existed before the creation of the world
Nut: Sky goddess, wife of earth god geb; her arched body forms the sky
Osiris: god of the underworld, the dead, the land’s fertility, and the inundation, he offered eternal life to all; depicted as a mummified king
Ptah: creator god of memphis, patron of arti- sans and craftsmen
Re: Sun god of Heliopolis, later merged with Atum and Amun
Sekhmet: fierce lion-headed goddess, she destroyed Egypt’s enemies
Sebek: crocodile god, associated with Seth
Selkit: Scorpion goddess, one of the four pro- tectors of canopic jars
Seshat: goddess of writing, the divine librar- ian, wife of thoth
Seth: god of disorder, storms, violence, and mischief, brother and murderer of osiris
Shu: Air god, paired with tefnut; he was usu- ally shown between geb (earth) and nut (sky)
Sopdu: Bearded guardian god of Egypt’s east- ern borders
Taweret: pregnant hippopotamus, protector of fertility and women in childbirth
Tefnut: moisture goddess, paired with Shu
Thoth: Ibis-headed god, husband of Seshat, vizier and scribe of the gods, inventor of writing, mathematics, languages, account- ing, magic, law, and board games; he con- trolled the moon, stars, and seasons
Upuaut: Jackal god, avenger of osiris, protec- tor of the dead, opener of the ways into the underworld
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