This period corresponds to the Late Neolithic (Stone Age), and covers
the cultural and social changes which occurred between the late
Palaeolithic period (hunter gatherers)and the early Pharaonic era (the
Early Dynastic Period). During the Predynastic Period Egyptians
developed a written language (centuries before writing was developed in
Mesopotamia) and an institutionalised religion. They developed a
settled, agricultural civilization along the fertile, dark soils (kemet
or black lands) of the Nile (which involved the revolutionary use of
the plough) during a period in which Northern Africa was becoming more
arid and the edges of the Western (and Saharan) desert (the deshret or red lands) spread.
Although archaeologists know that writing first emerged during the
Predynastic Period, very few examples still exist today. What is known
about the period comes from remains of its art and architecture.
The Predynastic Period is divided into four separate phases: the
Early Predynastic which ranges from the 6th to 5th millennium BCE
(approximately 5500 - 4000 BCE), the Old Predynastic which ranges form
4500 to 3500 BCE (the time overlap is due to diversity along the length
of the Nile), the Middle Predynastic which roughly goes form 3500 - 3200
BCE, and the Late Predynastic which takes us up to the First Dynasty at
around 3100 BCE. The reducing size of the phases can be taken as an
example of how social and scientific development was accelerating.
The Old Predynastic is also known as the Amratian or Naqada I Phase
-- named for the Naqada site found near the centre of the huge bend in
the Nile, north of Luxor. A number of cemeteries have been discovered in
Upper Egypt, as well as a rectangular house at Hierakonpolis, and
further examples of clay pottery - most notably terracotta sculptures.
In Lower Egypt, similar cemeteries and structures have been excavated at
Merimda Beni Salama and at el-Omari (south of Cairo).
The Middle Predynastic is also known as the Gerzean Phase -- named
for Darb el-Gerza on the Nile to the east of Fayum in Lower Egypt. It is
also known as the Naqada II Phase for similar sites in Upper Egypt once
again found around Naqada. Of particular importance is a Gerzean
religious structure, a temple, found at Hierakonpolis which had early
examples of Egyptian tomb painting. Pottery from this phase is often
decorated with depictions of birds and animals as well as more
abstracted symbols for gods. The tombs are often quite substantial, with
several chambers built out of mud bricks.
The Late Predynastic, which blends into the 1st Dynastic Period, is
also known as the Protodynistic phase.
Egypt's population had grown considerably and there were substantial
communities along the Nile which were politically and economically aware
of each other. Goods were exchanged and a common language spoken. It
was during this phase that the process of wider political agglomeration
began (archaeologists keep pushing back the date as more discoveries are
made) and the more successful communities extended their spheres of
influence in include nearby settlements. The process led to the
development of two distinct kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Nile
Valley and Nile Delta areas respectively.
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