Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ramses II

Is one of the most famous kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Began "Ramses II" new era

Called "the era of the Second Empire," and work to revive the Egyptian influence in the country

Sham, who had twice after the revolution "Akhenaten" religious. The wars last

Military efforts made ​​by the kings of the modern state.

 Ramses II

 Nefertari wife of Ramses II

 Battle of Kadesh

The Hittite king holding Confederacy with princes Syrian cities against Egypt, re-

"Ramses II" army reached 20,000 fighters, army marched breaking semi-

Sinai and Palestine, and met Hittite and pounced on them and beat them defeat evil.

Hittite king was forced by his defeat to make peace, and agreed "Ramses II".

 King Ramses II on a huge military vehicle in the Battle of Kadesh, inscription inside the temple of Abu Simbel

King of the Hittites came back after the Battle of Kadesh spark unrest against Egypt again

Levant, Vharabh "Ramses II" The war lasted for fifteen years

That Magistrates asked the king of the Hittites. Held between "Ramses II" and the king of the Hittites

Treaty of alliance and friendship in which he pledged to each other non-aggression, and to restore relations

Friendly, and help each other in case of being attacked another country.

This treaty is the oldest international treaty written in history. It is these texts

Treaty: "Do not let the gods of hostility between the two countries, will not assaulted monarch Khitta

The land of Egypt ... and will not assaulted Ramses land Khitta ... ".


Architectural work Ramses II

 Sculpture in stone temples at "Abu Simbel" AQIM Nubia, one to him and the other

To his wife, "Nefertari", has been rescued from the waters of the High Dam help


 Temple "Abu Simbel".

King also completed "Ramses II" the great colonnade Temple "Karnak"

And established a lot of obelisks, obelisk still standing to this day in the Temple

Luxor, and other obelisk moved to France and set up in one of the fields of the city

Paris, capital of France (Place de la Concorde).

 Statue "Ramses II" in the Temple of Karnak in Luxor.


 Temple "Ramesseum" in Luxor, a funerary temple of King "Ramses II".

 Mummy King "Ramses II".


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