Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Egyptian Medicines

Ancient Egyptian Medicines
The magic is effective with drugs. Medicine is effective together with magic.
Since the Ebers papyrus
1/8th cup figs and grapes, bread dough, pit corn, fresh earth, onion, and elderberry - was the remedy against diarrhea in ancient Egypt.
The ancient Egyptians were well equipped and advanced in all areas and in the field of medicine is no exception. Healing practices were common in Egypt from 33 th century BC until 525 BC.
The medicine was very advanced for its time and included simple, non-invasive fixation of bones and an extensive set of pharmacopoeia. Physician practices ranging from Egyptian embalming, faith healing to surgery and autopsy.

A few papyrus were obtained from which we learn about Egyptian medicine. Edwin Smith Papyrus and the Ebers papyrus are the most important of them.
The first describes the diagnosis and surgical treatment while the latter deals with the diseases and ophthalmology digestive system. The Berlin, London, Hearst medical papyri are also useful for advancing medical knowledge of Egyptians.
Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of healing, curses and threats. The prevention of various types of prayers and magic, especially the wearing of amulets. Thus, an ostrich egg is included in the treatment of a fractured skull, and an amulet representing a hedgehog could be used against baldness.
Amulets related to health are classified as homeopathic and phylatic théophore. Homeopathic amulets represent an animal or part of an animal from which the user wishes to obtain positive attributes like strength or speed. Prophylactic amulets protected against harmful gods and demons. Theophorous amulets representing the Egyptian gods.
Egyptians, especially those who have been delivered in the mummification process, had some knowledge of human anatomy. This is because the process was to remove most of the internal organs, including the brain, lungs, pancreas, liver, spleen, heart and intestine.
Egyptian doctors were aware of the existence of the pulse and a connection between the pulse and the heart. Although many medical practices were ineffective, patients were invited to observe and maintain food hygiene.
"Wabau" was the term used for Egyptian doctors. There were many ranks and specializations in the field of medicine. Royalty used their own specialists. There were doctors inspectors, supervisors and medical officers. Known ancient Egyptian specialists are ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, proctologist, dentist etc.
The tomb at Saqqara doctor's treatment shows pictures of men. Egyptian treatments were based on an examination, followed by a diagnosis. Pots containing drugs have sometimes been labeled, indicating the composition of the remedy and how to use it.
Egyptian healers engaged in surgery, normative, and many other healing practices found today. Among the hardeners used by the Egyptians were all kinds of plants (herbs and other plants), animals (almost all parts) and inorganic compounds.
Herbs played a major role in Egyptian medicine. Medicinal plants mentioned in the Ebers papyrus, for example, include opium, cannabis, myrrh, frankincense, fennel, cinnamon, thyme, henna, juniper, aloe, linseed oil and castor.
Garlic was an important healing agent. Coriander and cumin were also considered effective. Some medicines were made from materials imported from abroad.

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