Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ancient Egyptian Mysteries

Ancient Egypt has always been considered full of mystery and mythology. This is partly because it was one of the oldest civilizations in the world.
In the Great Pyramid of Egypt the Ascending Passage is a narrow tunnel in the old House of Secrets. After a long climb it appears in the gallery of the Grand sublime that connects the apartments of the King and Queen - to stretch the metaphor - the balance between the masculine and feminine energies and taking part at a time.
The pyramids of Giza have been the subject of numerous conspiracies over the years. Many people believe that the pyramids are a link to an ancient lost civilization, and may also contain evidence to prove it.
Many conspiracy theories about secret chambers and passages in the pyramids exist to this day. There are several holes and passages in the Great Sphinx of Giza. Some are of known origin, but others are not.
The creation myths were also mysterious. According to Egyptian mythology, Khnum created living beings on his potter's wheel. He modeled animals, plants and people of the earth.
A detailed description of how he created human beings is Esna Temple. The main creator god in ancient Egyptian religion is the sun-god in the Egyptian language, the word sun Ra, and it was a name for the sun-god, but he was also regularly called Atum, the word complete md ".
There were many mysteries related to the gods of ancient Egypt. Regarding religion, Egypt suffered from a glut of gods and goddesses. It has been said that the enumeration of them would "like compilations of census."
Herodotus tells us how a pharaoh of the 12thDynasty began construction of the labyrinth as a temple to all the gods welcome and found it necessary to build not less than three thousand apartments.
There was also the mysteries of beer in ancient Egypt. In the Coffin Texts (late 3rd millennium BCE), there is mention of a "god of beer," it was so important to the ancient Egyptians beer for another deity associated with beer in Egypt was the goddess Hathor, who, with the goddess "official beer" Tjenenet this characteristic shared with his counterpart Ninkasi Sumerian.
It is interesting to note that the Sumerian word for beer is "ka", while "ka" in Egyptian religion refers to the "force of conscious life."
There was also the mysteries associated with the mummy. The ancient Egyptians had perfected the art of mummification, the best technique took 70 days and involved removing the internal organs, removing the brain through the nose, and dry the body in a mixture of salts called natron. The purpose of the coffin from the earliest times was the protection of the body, preserving it from degradation or deterioration.


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