Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tel El Amarna

Amarna  (also akhet-aten  or     “Horizon     of     the     Aten”)  Amarna was built by Akhenaten (the heretic  king) as a cult city to honor his new god, the Aten,  whose motto was: ankh m maat, or “living in truth.”  Worship of the Aten brought with it a new art style.  Emphasis was placed especially on “truth in nature.”  Artists and craftsmen abandoned the traditional static  style of depiction and began painting scenes from  nature and carving lifelike natural statues of the royal  court.

When Akhenaten (1352–1336 b.c.) changed  Egypt’s religion from the worship of many gods  (polytheism) to the worship of one god (mono- theism), he claimed he was guided by the Aten.  Akhenaten moved his court from the old capital  city Thebes (modern Luxor) to a new desert loca- tion some 200 miles north. Akhenaten marked the  boundaries of his new city with 15 stelae (stone slabs).  Some stelae were carved into the limestone cliffs like  shrines; others were actual stone slabs erected along  the east and west sides of the Nile.

On the stelae,  Akhenaten recorded his vow never to leave the holy  city of Akhet-Aten:

 The southern stela which is on the eastern  mountain on Akhet-Aten . .. I shall not pass  beyond it southward ever. The middle stela .   [Eastern] I shall not pass beyond it eastward ever.  The northeastern stela  . I shall not pass beyond  it northward ever. Likewise from the southwest  stela of Akhet-Aten to the northwest stela on  the western mountain [he will not pass beyond  the western stelae] within these four stelae from  the eastern mountain to the western mountain is  Akhet-Aten itself. It belongs to my father, [the  Aten] who gives life forever. I shall not violate  this oath which I have made to the Aten my  father in all eternity.

 Amarna was built on the east bank of the Nile,  with three broad streets parallel to the river. Wide  enough to accommodate the great chariot proces- sions of Akhenaten and his queen, Nefertiti, the  Royal Road was the main street. Because it was a  planned city with defined neighborhoods (called the  North and the South Suburbs and the Central City),  Akhet-Aten grew in an orderly way. Akhenaten’s royal  palace, official buildings, the Great Aten Temple, and  the Small Aten Temple were in the Central City—the  hub of all activity. Officials and nobles lived in the  North and South Suburbs. The famous Nefertiti  bust, now in the Charlottenburg Egyptian Museum  in Berlin, was found in the South Suburb house of  Amarna Thutmose the sculptor, along with other portraits of  the royal family.

Because Amarna is one of the most thoroughly  excavated sites along the Nile, Egyptologists know a  lot about ancient life there. At the height of Akhenat- en’s reign, the city had about 20,000 people. All of  the buildings were constructed of mud brick with  plastered walls, except for the Great Aten Temple  called Gem-Pa-Aten (the Aten is Found). Its facade  was gleaming white limestone. The temple complex  included several structures, open courtyards, and  365 altars for offerings from Upper Egypt and from  Lower Egypt (see sun temple). The great palace  (Mansion of Rejoicing in Akhet-Aten) for receiving  foreign dignitaries and conducting palace business  was at the end of the Royal Road. A bridge over  the Royal Road connected the main palace with the  king’s living quarters, and the bridge may be the site  of the “window of appearances,” where Akhenaten  and Nefertiti appeared to give necklaces of gold to  the Aten’s faithful followers.

A smaller Aten temple  next to the king’s living quarters was called hwt-aten  “Mansion of the Aten” and was probably used exclu- sively by the royal family. Houses in Amarna were usually square-shaped,  with a large open courtyard in the center. Reception  rooms, bedrooms, storage rooms, and a kitchen with  a clay bread oven were all built around the open  courtyard. Houses of the nobles and wealthy citizens  had tall enclosure walls designed with multiple  purposes for security, roof terraces, and rooms for  bathing. These walls were lined with limestone, and  the floors slanted to form a basin. After water was  poured over the bather, it drained outside into a large  jar. Some houses even had commodes.  After 17 years, Amarna was abandoned when  Akhenaten died (1355 b.c.). One of the last remaining  royal children was young Tut-ankh-aten, who later  changed his name to Tutankhamen and ruled from  Thebes.

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