Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Alexander the Great

We have mentioned in another place that Egypt has seen a recent renaissance in the reign of King

"Psamtik I" and his successors, but the country was soon exposed to a foreign invasion of

Persians. Egypt has been suffering from Persian rule, until noon "Alexander the Great",

Who defeated the armies of the Persians, and entered Egypt, thus undergone Egypt to the rule of the Greeks.

After the death of "Alexander", underwent Egypt to the rule of the Ptolemies. Then finally (after the year 31 BC).

Egypt underwent Roman rule, and Egypt remained Roman's mandate until the Arab conquest

Egypt concluded from Roman rule in 641 AD.

 After the fall of the modern state, Egypt witnessed a late age of all aspects,

When exposed to the influence of foreign Libyan, Nubian, and then Assyrian, Persian Finally.

Egypt remained under Persian rule until the year 332 BC., When their income

"Alexander the Great", and spent the Persian rule, Egypt to his empire included.

 Alexander the Great

Who is Alexander the Great?

Is the son of the King "Philip" country "Macedonia" in northern Greece

(Greeks), this king could unify Greece under his leadership,

And he died before the Greeks defeated the Persians enemies. He assumed governance after his son

"Alexander" in 336 BC., And he was no more than twenty years,

Think nothing of Greek States, and there were at one time, but

Put down the revolutions in speed and skill. The philosopher "Aristotle" has started

Educational "Alexander", he started a lover of Greek civilization and enthusiastic. Ready

"Alexander" to invade Persia, seized their property in Asia Minor

Syria and Phoenicia, leaving him only Egypt. Define "Alexander" title

"Great" because it is one of the greatest conquerors, has invaded most parts of the world.

Alexander came to Egypt

Succeeded, "Alexander" in the conquest of Egypt easily in 332 BC., And was welcomed by the Egyptians,

Because they thought that he came with his soldiers to save them from the rule of the Persians, and because of their knowledge of the Greeks

Who lived in Egypt, and many of them joined the Army Egypt as mercenary soldiers. In order

Pleases "Alexander" the national feeling of the Egyptians and to draw near to them, visited the temple of the god

"Amon" in Siwa Oasis, where he presented offerings, Vmnha priests title "son of Amun."

Founding of the city of Alexandria

Work "Alexander" to be established on the shore of Egypt great northern something, be

Radiation center of Greek civilization, and disseminated throughout the world. Achieved "Alexander"

Purpose of the establishment of the city of Alexandria, that bridge water between a small island close to the

Beach called "Pharos", a small village on the beach its name "Racodh",

So that she would Mrcan Beautiful, one east and one west

(There Alexandria port the eastern and the western port),

And thus formed the city of Alexandria, which is called the "Bride of the Mediterranean."

Engineers have plans Greeks in the form of straight streets intersecting.

And took the "Alexander" from the city of Alexandria, the capital of the Greek rule in Egypt.

 Alexandria now

 Hellenistic civilization

Think "Alexander" in the formation of a new civilization combine the advantages of civilization Egypt

The country of the ancient Near East, and civilization of the Greeks, that civilization has been named the new name

"Hellenistic civilization" The city of Alexandria was a center for dissemination of this civilization.

The end of the reign of Alexander

Having settled Macedonians governance in Egypt, leaving it "Alexander" and incursion in Empire

Persian, until he reached India, but the disease returned to Babylon, where he died in 323 BC.

At the age of 33, and his body was carried to Egypt and was buried in Alexandria.

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