Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ptolemy I

 Silver coin engraved with a picture of "Ptolemy I," which was one of the

Army commanders neatest "Alexander the Great", then declared himself king of Egypt

Year 304 BC. After the death of "Alexander the Great".


 Ptolemy I Founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom

After he died, "Alexander" wide divided his kingdom among his generals, and Egypt was one of the share

Leader "Ptolemy I," which rode the judgment, and the foundations for his children and grandchildren state

New is the state of the Ptolemies, which lasted for three centuries, and took Alexandria

Its capital. Known successors "Alexander the Great" who inherited the rule of the African section

Of his empire as "Ptolemy" in relation to the "Ptolemy" a commander of the Army

"Alexander." Egypt has enjoyed peace and security under the rule of the Ptolemies first,

Until the era of "Ptolemy IV," as Hellenistic civilization flourished,

The city of Alexandria became the greatest cities of the ancient world.

 How was the rule of the Ptolemies in Egypt?

After the top end of the Ptolemaic rule, weakened state of the Ptolemies due to weak kings,

And multiple revolutions Egyptians against them. This led to the increased influence of Rome and its interference in the affairs of the

Egypt's internal, and ended with the fall of the State of the Ptolemies, and Egypt became the mandate of the Roman

(A subsidiary of the Romanian state) in 31 BC..

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